29 March 2013

Monitoring 2 channels with a Motorola GM or GP-360

This is one simple configuration to enable monitoring of 2 (or more) channels using the scan function.

Let's assume our network uses 4 channels.
CH1 - repeater 1
CH2 - repeater 2
CH3 - simplex 1
CH4 - simplex 2

The following settings will do the following:
  • monitor channel 1 and 2
  • when selecting one of these channels, the radio will automatically enter scan mode
  • if a call is received on any of these channels, the radio will stay on that channel for 4 seconds, then go back to the previous channel
  • to reply to a call the user just needs to press PTT within these 4 seconds

Start by configuring a scan profile
We will be scanning 2 channels: ch1 and ch2
In this mode, the radio will stay on the starting channel and monitor the other channel. If a transmission is received, the radio will stay on that channel for 4 seconds after the transmission finishes.

Talkback allows the user to transmit on the current channel, or the landing channel (the channel where the radio stops when a transmission is received)
Scan LED is useful to indicate that the radio is monitoring other channels. An icon similar to Z also appears on the screen while on scanning mode. 
Now configure channel 1 and 2 to start scanning automatically.

You might want to disable the sound alerts for scan start and end:

Feel free to send me your requests for other step-by-step guides


  1. Can you please describe how i can use side button on Motorola GP340 as Power level step by step all way trough. Thanks

  2. Hello, when monitor is enabled a very annoying noise is getting out of gm350 loudspeaker. Is the squelch? How do I stop the noise without disable monitoring? Thanks in advance
